Advertising in dining halls

Would you like to take advantage of advertising opportunities in the Studierendenwerk Thüringen? Various forms of advertising are available in many of our students’ dining halls.

Non-commercial advertising

Student organizations and university groups may benefit from advertising activities free of charge, but subject to prior approval.

Advertising campaigns and information stands

The economist of the management in the respective dining hall provides available stand areas in the dining hall. 

Posters, flyers, brochures and screens

Students and university groups may submit posters to be placed in customer stoppers up to A1 size to the economist of the management in the dining halls.
Please note: The number of available stoppers is limited.

Appropriate display systems (racks) are available for flyers, brochures, and print advertising in the dining halls, the use of which must also be registered in advance with the economist of the management.

Furthermore, advertising can be placed on screens. Students and members of the university should contact:

Commercial advertising

Commercial advertising is subject to a fee.

Advertising campaigns and information stands

The economist of the management in the respective cafeteria provides available stand areas in the cafeteria. 

Posters, flyers, brochures and screens

For requests to use advertising materials for commercial purposes, please contact our advertising partner, Campus-Service GmbH, responsible for the overall marketing of the facilities for the Studierendenwerk.

Contact economist of the management
Annette Keil
Phone: 0361-7371841
Ilmenau and Schmalkalden:
Cathleen Röhner
Phone: 03677-692951
Fax: 03677-691603
Jena, Mensa Ernst-Abbe-Platz:
N. N.
Phone: 03641-9400610
Mobile: 0151-54425254
Jena, Mensa Carl-Zeiss-Promenade:
Kerstin Wolleschensky
Phone: 03641-9400670
Jena, Mensa Philosophenweg:
Steffi Häuser
Phone: 03641-9400624
Mobile: 0151-54425252
Anke Köster
Phone: 03643-581620
Mobile: 0151-54425251
Contact Campus-Service GmbH
Campus-Service GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 49-51 
50935 Köln 
Phone: 0221-2827360
Fax: 0221-28273620

Social Media