Exemption from payment and reimbursement

Should one of the following reasons apply to you in the upcoming semester, you can be exempted from the obligation to pay the semester fee or have the semester fee refunded (see the fee regulations for the winter semester 23/24 of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen). The exemption is not granted for a current semester, but only for the semester to follow.

Please note: The Studierendenwerk Thüringen can only reimburse the fee for the Studierendenwerk. In addition to the basic fee, this fee also includes the semester train ticket, the semester ticket for public transport and/or VMT and, if applicable, a cultural ticket at individual universities. Should you apply for a full reimbursement of the semester fee, you will not be covered by accident and liability insurance through the Studierendenwerk (liability insurance only for students of EAH Jena and UAS Nordhausen) and you will also not be able to use the semester ticket for the railway and the culture ticket (Erfurt and Jena). The Studierendenwerk can only refund its semester fee. You can only request reimbursement of the contribution to the student council via the student council itself. The only exception to this rule applies to students at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, as the Studierendenwerk can also refund the contribution to the student council due to an agreement with the Stuko.

Please note: Termination of membership at the university while the semester is still in progress does not entitle the student to a pro-rata refund of the fees paid. This also applies in the case of a retroactive termination of membership at the end of the previous semester.

Start of the semester:
As a rule, the summer semester in Thuringia begins on 01 April, the winter semester on 01 October. Therefore, the deadline for your application is usually on 31 March for the summer semester and on 30 September for the winter semester. The application can only be submitted within one month of the start of the semester if you are planning to change to a restricted-admission course at another university.

Application form:
To apply for a reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee by the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, please use the sample form linked here. Please enclose the relevant documents in due time, in particular the confirmation of the university about the payment and not yet repayment of the semester fee as well as your thoska card.

Waivers and exemptions for the semester ticket:

  1. Leave of absence:
    Should you apply for a leave of absence within the re-registration period, you will be exempt from the obligation to pay the semester fee. If you apply for a leave of absence after the re-registration period has expired and before the start of the semester of leave, the semester fee will be refunded to you upon application.
    Application deadline: One day before the semester starts.

  2. De-registration before the beginning of the semester:
    When you have already paid the semester fee and are de-registered before the beginning of the semester in question, you will receive the amount paid refunded on application.
    Application deadline: One day before the semester starts.

  3. Change of university:
    When you are admitted to or enrolled in a restricted-admission degree program at another university within one month after the start of the semester, you can apply for a fee waiver.
    Application deadline: Within one month after the beginning of the semester.

  4. Entitlement to free transportation in accordance with the SGB IX (Social Code)
    Students who are entitled to free transportation according to SGB IX (Social Code) and who can prove this (severely handicapped ID with the marks G, aG, H or Bl incl. supplement with valid token) will have their semester ticket fees waived on application. If you meet the requirements, please contact the students' office at your university so that you will no longer have to pay the semester ticket fee in the future.
    Application deadline: One day before the semester starts.

  5. At least 21- week stay outside Thuringia
    Students who can prove that they spend at least 21 weeks of the semester outside of Thuringia for reasons related to study organization can apply for a reimbursement of the semester and culture ticket fees. Study-organizational reasons are study-related stays abroad, internships, final theses, or doctoral studies. Written confirmations issued by the universities or the company providing the internship serve as proof, for PhD students the certificate of study for the semester applied for.
    Application deadline: One day before the semester starts.

  6. Distance and continuing education students
    Distance and continuing education students who pay a reduced basic fee will be refunded the semester and culture ticket fees on application.
    Application deadline: One day before the semester starts.

Please see below for information on where to apply for reimbursement of fees at your university:

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the information centre in ASC Ilmenau. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for reasons of study organization and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). A reimbursement for this reason for the university Eisenach is only possible for the train ticket.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). Therefore, please have your thoska invalidated as a semester ticket by your university at the responsible office on site.

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Duale Hochschule Eisenach
Campus Eisenach
Am Wartenberg 2
99817 Eisenach

Cornelia Höhn (Organization of Studies)
Phone 03691–629475

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:  

Information centre in ASC Ilmenau (Academical Service Center)
Max-Planck-Ring 1
98693 Ilmenau
Phone: 03677-692031
Fax 03677-692050

Or send the documents by mail to:

Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Max-Planck-Ring 9, Haus B
98693 Ilmenau.

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the infopunkt Erfurt. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for reasons of study organization and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract).

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

If you have a paper student ID of the UAS Erfurt instead of the thoska, please send it by mail to the Infopunkt UAS Erfurt for the invalidation of the semester ticket (including a prepaid envelope so that we can return the ID to you) or hand it in personally at the Infopunkt Erfurt.

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Fachhochschule Erfurt
Students‘ Office
Altonaer Straße 25
99085 Erfurt
Haus 7 (main entrance)

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Infopunkt Erfurt
PF 800243
99028 Erfurt

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the infopunkt Erfurt. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for reasons of study organization and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract).

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Universität Erfurt
Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt
Verwaltungsgebäude / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Infopunkt Erfurt
PF 800243
99028 Erfurt

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed by the General Social Counselling office of the Studierendenwerk and can be submitted to the information centre in ASC (Academic Service Centre). Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). A refund for this reason is only possible for the train ticket.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

ASC (Academic Service Centre)
Max-Planck-Ring 1 (Dining Hall Ehrenberg)
98693 Ilmenau
Phone 03677-692030

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:  

Staff of Studierendenwerk ASC (Academic Service Centre)
Max-Planck-Ring 1
98693 Ilmenau
Phone 03677-692031
Fax 03677-692050


You can also send your documents by post:

Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Max-Planck-Ring 9 Haus B
98693 Ilmenau

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Please address requests for reimbursement of the semester fee to Zentrale Studierendensekretariat der Dualen Hochschule Gera-Eisenach.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at INFOtake Jena. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester rail ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). A refund of the ÖPNV (public means of transport) and VMT ticket for this reason is not possible.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). Therefore, please have your thoska invalidated as a semester ticket by your university at the responsible office on site.

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Zentrales Studentensekretariat
Weg der Freundschaft 4A
07546 Gera
Birgit Schmidt
Phone 0365–4341115
Fax 0365–4341104

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

INFOtake Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 Jena
Phone 03641-9400506
Fax 03641-9400652

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Please address applications for reimbursement of semester fees prior to the beginning of the semester to the Studierenden-Service-Zentrum.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at INFOtake Jena. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). The reimbursement for this reason also includes the culture ticket.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

(next to the dinig hall in the main building of the university)
Phone 03641-9-411111
Fax 03641-9411112
If you have any questions, please contact the FSU Jena Student Service Centre via the Service Desk Portal.

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

INFOtake Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 Jena
Phone 03641-9400506
Fax 03641-9400652

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

The semester fee is reimbursed by the university on application. The application can be obtained from the Student Secretariat Student Secretariat at the time of de-registration and will only be reimbursed in the case of de-registration at the end of the previous semester when there are double bookings and in the case of leaves of absence. Applications must be submitted by 10 September or 10 March of the year. Applications submitted later will not be considered. The thoska card and a copy of the bank statement showing the transfer must be presented. If you have already validated your thoska card at the time of application, it must be updated and presented to the thoska office for proof at the time of reimbursement. Requests are forwarded to the EAH Budget Department, which processes the reimbursements. The time required for processing is approximately three to four weeks.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee submitted later or due to other reasons are processed at the INFOtake Jena. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). The refund for this reason also includes the culture ticket.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Studentische Angelegenheiten
Andrea Hendrich, Jessica Müller
Room: 01.00.10/11, building 1
Phone 03641–205233/32
Fax 03641–205231

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

INFOtake Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 Jena
Phone 03641-9400506
Fax 03641-9400652

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the infopunkt Erfurt. Here you can also apply for a reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). A reimbursement for this reason is only possible for train ticket and ÖPNV.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Building 18, room 18.0105
Silke Umann
Phone 03631–420-220
Fax 03631–420-811

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Infopunkt Erfurt
PF 800243
99028 Erfurt

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the information centre Schmalkalden information centre Schmalkalden. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract). A reimbursement for this reason is only possible for the train ticket.

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). Therefore, please have your thoska invalidated as a semester ticket by your university at the responsible office on site.

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Blechhammer 9
98574 Schmalkalden
Phone 03683 - 688 1204 / -1205

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

Informationszentrum Schmalkalden
Allgemeine Sozialberatung Studierendenwerk
Blechhammer 9b
98574 Schmalkalden
Phone: 03683-469117 oder 03677-693311

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

The Hochschule für Musik is mainly responsible for exemptions from the semester fee. If you have any questions or problems, please contact your university (phone: 03643-555146/ e-mail: petra.ranacher@hfm-weimar.de).

The Hochschule für Musik processes applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract).

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Academic and Student Affairs

Petra Ranacher
Associate Academic and Student Affairs
Admin. building – Rößlersches Haus, room: 106
Phone 03643-555 146

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

INFOtake Weimar
(in the building of the students‘cafeteria)
Marienstraße 15b
99423 Weimar
Phone 03643-581506

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Applications for reimbursement of the Studierendenwerk fee are processed at the INFOtake Weimar. Here you can also apply for reimbursement of the semester ticket fee if you are not in Thuringia for at least 21 weeks of the semester for study-related organizational reasons and can prove this accordingly (e.g., internship contract).

Applications for reimbursement are only considered to have been submitted in full if you have confirmation from your university that you paid the semester fee and that the university has not already reimbursed the fee (see page 2 of the application form, confirmation from the university). 

Office for providing certificates of the university:

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
99423 Weimar
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 23
Fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 60

Please submit the completed application documents according to the deadline here:

INFOtake Weimar
(in the students‘ cafeteria)
Marienstraße 15b
99423 Weimar
Phone 03643-581506

If you prefer to send us your documents by mail, please enclose a stamped envelope so that we can return them to you.

Social Media